
Showing posts from June, 2020

An Open letter to the QLD Premier

The Covid crisis has put the spotlight on a few political issues, one of which is the  precarious   health situation of Indigenous people   in Australia. This is in large part due to their systemic   institutional discrimination, the worst expression of which is the   huge over-representation   of the Indigenous prison population and the high number of   their deaths in custody.   And in spite of a Royal Commission inquiring into this situation 348 months ago and handing down more than 300 recommendations. Only a few of them have been implemented and since the publication of the report another 434 Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders have died in custody.   What a shame! Most Australians have not really been concerned about this too much. However, race relations can change very quickly and the ongoing   Black Lives Matter movement shows that tolerance for racial discrimination, on the one hand, and lack of   scrutiny of the actions of the police, on the other, will no longe